Saturday, October 9, 2010

Treatment of Asthma without Drugs

Information about treatment of asthma naturally

This treatment of asthma is drug-free. It has 6 clinical controlled randomized trails with astonishing results: up to 60-90% less bronchodilator medication in 3-6 months with no side effects, greatly improved quality of life and symptom score. 

It has no negative side effects at all. This is an excellent and important question that many people wondered about natural treatments of asthma and allergies. There are several reasons why most doctors can not know or even if you know, why not say it. One reason, your doctor may be unaware of an effective, natural allergy and asthma drug-free treatment is that are usually very busy and just don't have the time to do research about him.

The main reason is that many doctors don't believe in natural treatments and think that drugs are the only acceptable routes to take. The reality is that often pharmaceutical companies fund medical schools. These huge multinational drug companies spend billions of dollars a year to create and promote drug wishing that doctors prescribe and you can continue to use. Become multi-millions on advertising and financing of medical schools to convince the doctors and the public that drugs are the best and the only solution for asthma and allergies. They will even go to great lengths to discredit natural practitioners and natural treatments.

The bottom line is money: they would like to continue to buy their expensive medicines and doctors want to continue visiting them or would both be out of business. The sad part is that these drugs are expensive, usually don't work very well since only mask the symptoms of asthma or allergies, worse still, that have dangerous side effects.

Taking responsibility for their own health is the first important step and you are reading this indicates that you may be interested in investigating natural solutions or alternatives for the symptoms of asthma and the alergias.

What is asthma? It is a respiratory disorder or it is a breathing problem. Asthmatics do not breathe correctly. There is a medical norm for breathing that is absent in asthmatics.

I've published information about natural treatment of asthma that is safe to use, drug-free and completely eliminates all symptoms of asthma. Is this too good to be sounds not true? As well, like you, many my patients tried dozens of remedies of asthma that did not work. The remedy I suggest is much less expensive than any asthma drugs, also there are no negative side effects. If yo use expensive asthma drugs, you know what I'm talking about - medication side effects can be quite unpleasant and can be even worse than the symptoms of asthma. Some asthma medication is actually quite dangerous and can even damage the liver and other organs with long-term use. Now, you don't need to take drugs at all.

If you have just been diagnosed with asthma, and have not yet started to take these medications, then we need you to learn about the side effects of asthma drugs first and an alternative drug-free safe search. Dramatic relief of asthma report is based on extensive research of several internationally respected medical associations, a scientific research on truly effective asthma that is also ideal for allergy treatment and clinical trials. It also comes with a worry-free guarantee.

It is not really needed for damaging and expensive drugs to all.

Find out how this treatment of asthma safe, alternative really works to eliminate the symptoms of asthma and never again suffer an asthma attack: Asthma Cause and Treatment

The treatment I suggest involves only one thing: learn how to breathe properly 24 hours per day.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Child Allergy Testing and New Drug-Free Asthma-AllergyTreatment

The doctor wants to know exactly what your child is allergic to, in order to effectively deal with allergies. The best way to identify some specific allergies is by taking a skin test e.g. skin prick or start the test type. Skin testing is the fastest and easiest way to test the child's reaction as allergens, and the doctor can give you the answer usually within 15 minutes.
When you make the skin test, the doctor or nurse places each different small drop of allergen on the arm. Drop-down list box, then he scratches the skin with a special fork or needle. In some cases, from the beginning and at the same time, the drop is done. If the child is allergic to a certain substance, the skin will react by swelling and turning red, typically in about 12 minutes or so. The reaction gets quickly weak again, usually within 40 minutes.
Skin test may sound painful, but it does not hurt your child at all. Special forks or medical needles are very well designed. They will not likely to penetrate the surface layer of the skin. From the possible effects of prepared substances obtained, the swelling goes away quickly, even if the area may feel itchy for a next few hours. You can prepare the child's skin assuring him that scratches in the laboratory are almost painless, the needles are very thin, and they do not hurt. This will prepare the child for the procedure in advance.
Skin testing is done for all children and it is safe for children of any age, even infants. If your child has had taken antihistamines in the body (due to allergic reactions), it is important that the person for whom a test is scheduled do not use this medication before the test, or the results will not be accurate. If your child used antihistamines or other medication, discuss with the doctor, very well in advance, and your child can have testing later with stopping taking medication temporarily.
Dangerous or adverse reactions to testing are very rare, but they are possible, so the test shall be performed in the doctor's office, where the equipment and staff are available to deal with a bad reaction. If skin itching does not disappear in a few hours or a child cannot breathe (shortness of breath) or wheezes, call or go to the doctor at once or to the nearest emergency room.
Skin testing is a very reliable way to identify allergies, but it is not always fully accurate. The child can sometimes have strong reaction to some substance, but the skin test can be negative for the same substance. It can happen due to several other possible reasons and the allergist will do other tests then.
If a new test results are unclear, in some cases, allergist can inject a small amount of allergen directly under the skin, as a general rule, in the arm. This skin testing is a little more uncomfortable, but the tip of the needle is hardly visible and the reaction, if any present, will be very mild.
Another type of allergy testing is called RAST (radioallergosorbent blood test). This test uses the blood sample to check for presence of different IgE antibodies. This test is pricier than skin testing and the results can take as long as two weeks. This testing is usually used only when skin testing cannot be performed, for example, if the child has a severe eczema, or it is necessary to take medication every day, or he has asthma, which is not under good control.
Tests with a false negative result may occur, so the symptoms of allergy are present, but the result is negative. Results must therefore be interpreted in conjunction with the history and physical examination by the doctor.

What is the new treatment of asthma?
More and more people learn how to breathe properly and this solves their problems with allergies and asthma. The technique is called the Buteyko method. It was developed by Soviet physician K. Buteyko. The foundation of the method is to reverse hyperventilation (i.e., hypoventilation).
The Buteyko breath technique became popular in Australia and had several clinical trials with some apparent success: up to 80-90% less medication was taken by asthmatics after several months of respiratory exercises (Buteyko breathing exercises). 
The Buteyko method gets knwon in North America too after, especially after NY Times article promoting the technique. There are no consensus about the mechanism of the Buteyko method among official doctors, but CO2 can be one of the essential factors that helps asthmatics to heal their airways and reduce use of beta-antogonists since Buteyko breathing exercises are done with smaller inhalations. Still, there is no harm for asthmatics to try it: Buteyko Breathing Exercises. It may reduce may even reduce allergies, improve sleep and other symptoms.